Our Approach


Active Listening & Guidance
We know you have been through a lot. Our care starts with our focused active listening with empathy. You are the hero and we are the guide in this healing journey.

Simple & Safe
Health and illness can be complicated, however, we have a simple, safe, and natural approach that is doable. We are not limited to pharmaceuticals to reach your health goals.

Personalized and Comprehensive Root Cause Lifestyle Wellness
We implement lifestyle as a foundation to wellness. Our care is personalized for you.

Food as Medicine & Information
We guide you to make healthy food choices so it will be a good medicine providing positive information for healing.

Evidence Based Functional Medicine Model
What we do is based on science, art, clinical experience, and  functional medicine approach.

Empowerment Through Learning
We go beyond consultation, we empower you through learning experience throughout the program so you know “why.”

Address Pillars of Health & Wellness
We share twelve pillars of health & wellness through our learning courses.

Basic & Functional Labs Support
We view labs from a functional lens to prevent illnesses and optimize health.

Support Cellular Functions with Supplements
Food comes first, then supplements. We recommend targeted, high quality, third party tested supplements as needed to support healing and optimization.

How It Works


  1. Assessment

Submit the health assessment form online and the practitioner will review your assessment form and see if we would be a good fit for you.


  1. Choose the program

Choose the service program that works best for you. We will review the service plan and pricing with you to ensure the program aligns with your health goals. You may schedule a 15-minute free consultation for further queries.


  1. Schedule for the in-depth initial visit 

In the initial visit, we get to know you and understand your unique birth, childhood, and adulthood history which would include physical, mental, social, and lifestyle history. From there, we will recommend a lifestyle modification as a foundation.


  1. Implement the plan

Depending on the program you choose, we work together to create and implement personalized cellular healing treatment plans and reset protocols that would be best for your health goals. We revisit and continue to optimize your health by utilizing lifestyle and advanced functional medicine approaches.


  1. Maintenance

After completing the program successfully, our clients achieve 85-100% of their health goals. Health and illness are a continuous lifelong process. We continue to support long-term health and wellness by adjusting the plan as your health changes through the annual membership plan.

The Programs

3-Month Metabolic + Immune Reset

ONLINE 1:1 + Group MENTORING Program


This plan is good for you if you are struggling with metabolic conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, overweight, mild nagging gut issues, rash, and infections. All the lab tests came fine, but you still don’t feel great. You want a short, result-focused, functional lifestyle approach to care.

This 12-week online program empowers you to take ownership of your well-being through a combination of one-on-one and group mentoring, lifestyle journal review, and accountability support. As a part of the program, you will receive weekly learning modules, a PDF download of the food recipe, and a journal worksheet.

After the program, we will continue to support your health journey with a low-cost membership and follow-up visits. To learn more, set up a free consultation appointment today.

6-Month Transformational Care Plan

ONLINE 1:1 + Group MENTORING Program


This program is for people with complex immune/autoimmune/metabolic issues who require longer-focused 1:1 personalized fine-tuning, advanced blood, stool, urine, and saliva testing, lifestyle, nutrition, mindset, and supplement recommendations. You will also get all the perks of the Reset program.

After the program, we will continue to support your health journey with a low-cost membership and follow-up visits. To learn more, set up a free consultation appointment.

Traditional 1:1 Visits



This program is for you if you would like to have a traditional 1:1 visit and work at your own pace using a root-cause functional medicine approach. 

Initial new client visit (up to 75 min): $400

During this visit, the practitioner will review your in-depth health assessment form, further understand root cause history and physical symptoms, recommend labs, and recommend general food, lifestyle, and supplements.

Follow-up visits up to 45 min: $225

Follow-up visits up to 30 min: $150

Follow-up visits up to 15 min: $85

There is no need for a 15-minute consultation visit; make an initial appointment for an in-depth assessment.